MolgenisArmadillo 2.9.0
Bug Fix: subset now returns a warning rather than an error if some target variables are not available.
MolgenisArmadillo 2.0.0
CRAN release: 2023-02-23
MolgenisArmadillo 1.1.3
CRAN release: 2022-04-01
MolgenisArmadillo 1.1.0
- Install packages
- Whitelist packages ## Chores
- Make Mariska Slofstra maintainer
MolgenisArmadillo 1.0.3
CRAN release: 2021-10-12
MolgenisArmadillo 1.0.1
CRAN release: 2021-02-08
- Do not use arrow in unit tests
MolgenisArmadillo 1.0.0
CRAN release: 2021-02-04
- Release to CRAN
- Loaded objects no longer are put into the parent environment but returned from their function instead.